Audit & Standards Committee


4.00pm 29 June 2021


Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall



decision list


Part One





Strategic Risk Focus: SR2, SR20 and SR37



Contact Officer:

Jackie Algar

Tel: 01273 291273


Ward Affected:

All Wards




That the Audit & Standards Committee:


1)           Note the SRR detailed within Table 1 of this report.


2)           Note Appendix 1 the CAMMS Risk report with details of the SRs and actions taken (‘Existing Controls’) and actions planned


3)           Note Appendix 2 which provides:


                      i.        a guide on the risk management process;

                    ii.        guidance on how Members might want to ask questions of Risk Owners, or officers connected to the strategic risks; and

                   iii.        details of opportunities for Members, or any staff, to raise issues on Strategic Risks at various points and levels.  






Internal Audit Annual Report and Opinion 2020/21



Contact Officer:

Mark Dallen

Tel: 01273 291314


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)            That the Committee note that, whilst no assurance can ever be absolute, based on the internal audit work completed in the year, reasonable assurance has been provided on the overall adequacy and effectiveness of the Council’s framework of governance, risk management and control for the year ended 31 March 2021.


2)            That the Committee note the assurances and improvement actions detailed on audits finalised since the last progress report to this Committee in March 2021.





Draft Annual Governance Statement 2020-21



Contact Officer:

Jackie Algar

Tel: 01273 291273


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)           That the Audit & Standards Committee formally approve the Annual Governance Statement 2020 – 21 at Appendix 1 having regard to the findings of the annual review so that the AGS may be signed by the City Council’s Leader and the Chief Executive before publication alongside the City Council’s Accounts.






External Audit Plan for 2021/22



That the Audit and Standards Committee:


1)           Considers and notifies the external auditor as to whether or not there are any other matters which may impact on the planned audit.


2)           Note the External Audit Plan 2020/21






Review of the Code of Conduct for Members



Contact Officer:

Victoria Simpson

Tel: 01273 294687


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)            That the Audit & Standards Committee recommends to Full Council that it formally approve a revised Code of Conduct for Members as outlined in para 4.1 and attached here as Appendix 1.


2)            That the Audit & Standards Committee approve the documents appended to this Report as Appendices 2 & 3, which incorporate:


-       Guidance on Correspondence

-       The Procedure for Dealing with Allegations of Misconduct by Members






Standards Update



Contact Officer:

Victoria Simpson

Tel: 01273 294687


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)           That the Audit & Standards Committee note the information provided in this Report on those member complaints which have either been progressed or concluded since the last quarterly report, or which remain outstanding.

